1000Goals.com brings you a large Football (Soccer) video collection. Best way to find what you need is to use Google site search:

Top 3 goals from Van Nistelrooy

Van Nistelrooy on picking the top 3 goals he scored for Manchester United

Super Nistelrooy

Adrenaline Van nistelrooy

Ruud Van Nistelrooy

Top 10 goals by Ruud Van Nistelrooy

Ruud van Nistelrooy

Ruud's greatest goals

Cristiano Ronaldo... One touch, one trick..!

From: Kugran
Cristiano Ronaldo is the best footbal... Cristiano Ronaldo is the best footballer of Portugal..! I'm an Italian boy of Roma, fun of A.S.Roma football club and of this player that is fantastic..!

cristiano ronaldo vs roma by Golden Boot

Cristiano Ronaldo Skills and Goals 2006-2007

Goals of manchester united 2006/2007

Manchester United - The Red Devils Show 2006-2007 by DWY

Manchester United 2006-2007 part 1

Manchester United 2006 - The Battle

Manchester United Football Club 2006-2007

Some clips of United's best and worst moments

Kerlon,the future manchester united star

Kerlon - The Next Ronaldinho

Kerlon The Seal Dribble

How does Christiano Ronaldo dribble


Compilation Luc Nilis

Luc Nilis

Barcelona - Anderlecht EC2

Marc VanderLLLiiinden!

R.S.C. Anderlecht

Soccer Vs Rugby

This Video is meant to promote soccer, because it is much much better than rugby.

Remix Peter Crouch Robot Dance

The best of peter crouch's awesome dance including the goal!

AC Milan vs Liverpool 2:1 23.05.2007

AC Milan vs Liverpool 2:1 23.05.2007

Srbija-Italija (Serbia-Italy)- 1:0, 11.06.2007