1000Goals.com brings you a large Football (Soccer) video collection. Best way to find what you need is to use Google site search:


Crespo's goal 04-05 for AC Milan.

Crespo - The funniest bloopers are right here

Football Comebacks

great football history , made by corey sanford

Football Comebacks - A funny movie is a click away

Argentina Heros

Gladiators from Argentina

Argentina Heros - Funny videos are here

Argantina Killers

Here you can see what Argentina killers can do ... stand up when u see this video!

Argantina Killers - For more amazing video clips, click here


Adriano is a quick , strongattacker with a venomous shot.It was easy to make this video as he has many great goals.Please wtch it and comment.

Adriano(watch It Everybody) - The funniest videos clips are here

Football Skills

Football skills from the world's best players!

Football skills

football skills - Zidane, Ronaldo and Ronaldinho

Amazing skill and ball control demonstrated by three of the greatest footballers in our recent times who truly play football the way it should be played and make it the beautiful game that it is.