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Ronaldinho on JogaTV

Ronaldinho on JogaTV showing some of his tricks from outside the field

Soccer Online

Play football online.A simple flash game to kill time.Use Spacebar is for shoting and passing the ball, keeping the space bar makes your kick stronger,use arrows to move left or right ... you have more instructions on the site :)

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Kaka - AC Milan - Manchester United 1-0 Goal

AC Milan - Manchester United 1:0
Goal scorrer - Kaka
I just found this on digg.com, digg it if you like it please :) digg story

Ronaldinho vs Werder Bremen

Ronaldinho vs Werder Bremen:
Ronaldinho scores a great goal from the free kick he takes

Tricky goal by Ronaldinho

Take a look at this tricky goals by Ronaldinho,
the goalkeeper did see hm comming from behind,
Ronaldinho took the ball in fron of his eyes and scored a goal!

zlatan ibrahimovic top 20 & top 10

Top 20:

Top 10:

Zlatan Ibrahimovic Amazing Chewing Gum Video!

I never saw it on this video on this video, but they are talking about it, I gues it happened :)

Zlatan Ibrahimovic amazing goal vs Nac

Messi, FC Barcelona vs Getafe

Messi is a great talent, and has scored a wonderful goal